You may want to create use cases for different levels. One method (defined by Alistair Cockburn) uses the following altitude metaphors:
- White is the highest level, like clouds. This is the enterprise level, and there may only be four to five for the entire organization. Examples might be to advertise goods, sell goods to customers, manage inventory, manage the supply chain, and optimize shipping.
- Kite is lower than white but still a high level, providing an overview. The kite use case may be at the business unit or department level and is a summary of goals. Examples would be to register students, or if working with a travel company: make an airline, hotel, car, or cruise reservation.
- Blue is at sea level, and is usually created for user goals. This often has the greatest interest for users and is easiest for a business to understand. It is usually written for a business activity and each person should be able to do one blue level activity in anywhere from 2 to 20 minutes. Examples are register a continuing student, add a new customer, place an item in a shopping cart, and order checkout.
- Indigo or fish is a use case that shows lots of detail, often at a functional or subfunctional level. Examples are choose a class, pay academic fees, look up the airport code for a given city, and produce a list of customers after entering a name.
- Black or clam, like the bottom of the ocean, are the most detailed use cases, at a subfunction level. Examples might be a secure logon validation, adding a new field using dynamic HTML, or using Ajax to update a Web page in a small way.
A use case scenario example is shown in Figure 1 below. Some of the areas included are optional, and may not be used by all organizations. The three main areas are:
- An area header containing case identifiers and initiators.
- Steps performed.
- A footer area containing preconditions, assumptions, questions, and other information.

The first area, use case identifiers and initiators, orients the reader and contains the use case name and a unique ID; the application area or system that this use case belongs to; the actors involved in the use case; and the stakeholders that have a high level of interest in the use case. Some stakeholders never interact directly with the system, such as the stockholders, the board of directors, or the sales manager. Each primary actor is a stakeholder, but not listed in the stakeholder area. Include the level (blue, kite, and so on) and a brief description of what the use case accomplishes.
The header concludes with the initiating (triggering) event, that is, what caused the use case to start, and the type of trigger, either external or temporal. External events are those started by an actor, either a person or another system requesting information, such as an airline reservation system requesting flight information from an airline system. Temporal events are those that are triggered or started by time. Events occur at a specific time, such as sending an email about special offers once a week on a Sunday evening, sending bills on a specific day, or generating government statistics on a specified date every quarter.
The second area of the use case includes the steps performed, and the information required for each of the steps. These statements represent the standard flow of events and the steps taken for the successful completion of the use case. It is desirable to write up a use case for the main path, and then to write up one for each of the alternative paths separately, rather than using IF . . .THEN . . . statements. Steps are numbered with an integer. The steps may come from a detailed interview with users or may be derived from agile modeling stories (as described in Chapter 6). These steps should be reviewed with the users for clarification.
The analyst should examine each of the steps and determine the information required for each step. If the analyst cannot determine the information, he or she should schedule a follow-up interview with the user. Some use case descriptions include extensions or alternative scenarios, with the exceptions as additional sections following the standard flow of events. These are numbered with an integer, decimal point, and another integer, such as 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and so on. These are steps that may or may not be used. Analysts and users can brainstorm what can go wrong with the main path, and may uncover important details and conditions. It is necessary to work with the users to determine what to do when these conditions occur. This helps to detect errors earlier in the life cycle.
Figure 2 illustrates how logic and alternative scenarios can be included in the middle section of a use case. In this airline example, notice that step 1 is made up of smaller steps, many of which are preceded by an “if.” These are still on the main path, but only occur if the condition is met. For example, if there are many airports that serve a city, then all the airports will be displayed. Extensions or alternate scenarios can also appear here. For this airline, other scenarios include flight selection, seat selection, and meal selection. Use cases may even include iterative or looping steps.
The third area of the use case includes:
- Preconditions, or the condition of the system before the use case may be performed, which may be another use case. An example might be, “The viewer has successfully logged into the system,” or it might be the successful completion of another use case.
- Postconditions, or the state of the system after the use case has finished, including output people have received, transmissions to other systems, and data that have been created or updated. These relate to the goals or user requirements from a problem definition (described in Chapter 3) or to agile stories (described in Chapter 6).
- Assumptions made that would affect the method of the use case and that could stipulate required technology, such as the minimum technology requirements in a browser or even a specific or higher version of a browser. An assumption might be that cookies or JavaScript are enabled. The analyst must determine what to do if the assumptions are not met. When using Google Maps, JavaScript must be enabled. If it is not enabled, the map will not display. Cookies are required by Netflix. Good Web pages will detect that an assumption has not been met and notify the viewer with a message, including information on how to turn on cookies or JavaScript for different browsers.
- Minimal guarantee is the minimum promised to the users. They may not be happy with this result and it may be that nothing happens.
- Success guarantee is what would satisfy the users, and it is usually that the goal of the use case has been met.
- Any outstanding issues or questions must be answered before implementation of the use case.
- An optional statement of priority of the use case, which may come from a problem definition or user requirements.
- An optional statement of risk involved in creating the use case.
The “requirements met” area links the use case to user requirements or objectives from a problem definition. Once you develop the use case scenarios, be sure to review your results with the business experts to verify and refine the use cases if needed.
In this particular use case scenario, called Register for Conference, the only actor involved is the Participant. The overall area is Conference Planning, and the use case is triggered by the participant logging on to the Registration Web page. The Steps Performed area lists the sequence of events that must occur for a successful conference registration. Notice that the information needed to perform each of the steps is listed on the right. This may include Web pages and forms, as well as database tables and records.
The Preconditions area in the footer section of the use case scenario lists what must occur before the participant can register for a conference. In this example, the participant must have already signed up as a member of the society and have a valid userID and password. The Postconditions area lists what has been accomplished by the use case. The Assumptions area lists any basic premises the analyst assumes are fulfilled by the actor beforehand. The Requirements Met area shows why this use case is important and necessary for the business area to be successful. Priority is an indication of which use cases should be developed first and which may be delayed. Risk is a rough assessment of whether there may be problems or difficulties developing the use case. In this case, the risk is medium because the registration use case requires a secure server and is accepting credit card information.
Creating Use Case Descriptions
Use the following four steps to create use case descriptions:
- Use agile stories, problem definition objectives, user requirements, or a features list as a starting point.
- Ask about the tasks that must be done to accomplish the transaction. Ask if the use case reads any data or updates any tables.
- Find out if there are any iterative or looping actions.
- The use case ends when the customer goal is complete.
Why Use Case Diagrams Are Helpful
No matter what method you use to develop your system (traditional SDLC methods, agile methods, or object-oriented methods), you will find that use cases are very valuable. The use case diagrams identify all the actors in the problem domain, and a systems analyst can concentrate on what humans want and need to use the system, extend their capabilities, and enjoy their interaction with technology.
The actions that need to be completed are also clearly shown on the use case diagram. This not only makes it easy for the analyst to identify processes, but it also aids in communication with other analysts on the team and business executives.
The use case scenario is also worthwhile. Since a lot of the information the users impart to the analyst already takes the form of stories, it is easy to capture the stories on a use case scenario form. The use case scenario always documents the triggering event so that an analyst can always trace the steps that led to other use cases. Since the steps performed are noted, it is possible to employ use case scenarios to write logical processes.
Use case diagrams are becoming popular because of their simplicity and lack of technical detail. They are used to show the scope of a system, along with the major features of the system and the actors who work with those major features. The users see the system and they can react to it and provide feedback. They may also help to determine whether to build or buy the software.
The main reasons for writing use cases are listed below:
- Use cases effectively communicate systems requirements because the diagrams are kept simple.
- Use cases allow people to tell stories.
- Use case stories make sense to nontechnical people.
- Use cases do not depend on a special language.
- Use cases can describe most functional requirements (such as interactions between actors and applications).
- Use cases can describe nonfunctional requirements (such as performance and maintainability) through the use of stereotypes.
- Use cases help analysts define boundaries.
- Use cases can be traceable, allowing analysts to identify links between use cases and other design and documentation tools.